In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” as attributed to Albert Einstein.

For users new and experienced alike, the road into web3 is paved with hundreds of blockchains, bridges, and platforms. The result is an array of difficult experiences, most if not all marred by friction, fragmentation, and confusion. Let’s face it. Multi-chain life is chaotic. Developers face significant hurdles in creating useful apps that seamlessly unite disparate networks. Users are left grappling with isolated silos of crypto assets. This fragmented reality is a significant barrier to the true promise of web3. Consequently, overcoming this hurdle is the next great opportunity in web3. Agoric addresses chain chaos with its Orchestration API, offering both simplicity and utility. Chain abstraction solutions provide frictionless, one-click interactions across multiple chains. 

Let’s review.

The Broken Web3 Experience

The current web3 experience is broken. Users struggle with fragmented ecosystems where their assets are often trapped within isolated silos, leading to a frustrating and disjointed experience. Developers try to alleviate this, but find it challenging to build applications that work seamlessly across multiple blockchains. This fragmentation not only affects usability but also limits the economic potential that web3 can offer. It doesn’t have to be this way.

At Agoric, w envision a world where wealth transcends blockchains, creating a unified, seamless, distributed economy. We see a future where liquidity is not fragmented but instead flows effortlessly across networks. In this bright future, developers can build applications that integrate assets and services from multiple chains, creating new and enhanced experiences that rival the ease of use found in traditional web 2.0 applications.

(Re)Introducing Agoric Orchestration

Since we first introduced orchestration to our community and the industry, and along with it our vision for a more unified web3, the shape of our product has evolved to reflect the needs of the market. Agoric Orchestration is our answer to the chaos of the current web3 environment; it’s the missing variable to solve for interoperability, composability, and chain abstraction. Orchestration is designed to empower developers, enhance existing applications, and provide robust solutions for the entire web3 ecosystem. 

Here’s how Agoric Orchestration breaks the chains of fragmentation and delivers a truly unified wealth experience:

Orchestration API: Simplifying Complex Interactions

The Orchestration API simplifies complex cross-chain interactions, making it easier for developers to build user-friendly web3 applications. Whether you are a new builder or an established application, our API provides the tools you need to build useful applications that seamlessly operate across multiple blockchains or platforms.

Rich Functionalities for Sophisticated Applications

Agoric Orchestration supports asynchronous multi-block execution, enabling the creation of complex, long-lived processes that enhance the functionality of Web3 dApps. This feature allows developers to build sophisticated applications that can handle intricate workflows and deliver a superior user experience.

Universal Liquidity: Breaking Free from Single-Chain Limitations

One of the most exciting features of Agoric Orchestration is its ability to provide universal liquidity. Users can break free from the limitations of single-chain ecosystems and leverage their assets across multiple blockchains with a single click. This approach not only enhances liquidity but also opens up new avenues for wealth creation and management.

New Wealth Creation: Unlocking Innovative Financial Solutions

Imagine applications that unlock new ways to generate, manage, and invest wealth. Agoric Orchestration empowers developers to be the architects of this revolutionary financial landscape. We see our contribution to the emerging crypto economy as one in which we provide the tools to build multi-chain applications. By doing that, we set the future in motion.

Where Does Orchestration Fit In?

Orchestration offers significant advantages to several different classes of stakeholder in web3. For developers, the Orchestration API simplifies creating multi-chain applications. It reduces the complexity of integrating multiple blockchain networks, allowing developers to focus more on innovation and less on technical hurdles. Users gain access to web3 services that have the protocol-agnostic ease they’re used to from web 2.0 experiences (such as streaming movies on Netflix, sending money via PayPal, and ordering robot cars on Waymo).

New builders can leverage the rich orchestration functionalities, such as asynchronous multi-block execution, to develop sophisticated, long-lived processes that provide advanced capabilities and improved user experiences.

Existing applications can integrate Agoric Orchestration to offer a seamless user experience and extend their product offering. By keeping users within the application and minimizing the need for multiple transactions, businesses can drive higher engagement and retention. Applications can easily use the API to connect with various blockchains, allowing them to offer more comprehensive services and functionality. This interoperability helps in driving volume to partnerships that are mutually beneficial from complementary services.

Orchestration targets, such as platforms like Osmosis or dYdX, can see a significant increase in protocol volume driven by more front-end actions enabled through Agoric Orchestration. This boost in activity can lead to greater liquidity and enhanced network effects. By adopting Agoric Orchestration, web3 teams can collaborate more effectively with other networks and platforms, facilitating the creation of integrated solutions that enhance the overall value proposition for users.

A Win for Users

Application users benefit from the ability to leverage their assets across multiple blockchains effortlessly. Agoric Orchestration provides a one-click solution to break free from single-chain limitations, making it easier to manage and invest wealth across the expanding web3 ecosystem. With the seamless orchestration of assets, users can explore new ways to generate, manage, and invest wealth. This opens up innovative financial opportunities that were previously inaccessible in web3 due to fragmented blockchain ecosystems.

Orchestrate Your Future

Orchestration is essential for those building the future of Web3, a future where wealth is universal, accessible, and empowering. Agoric’s Orchestration API is rolling out, and we invite developers, existing applications, and ecosystem partners to join us on this multi-chain journey!

Orchestrate the future economy and unlock the true potential of web3. Stay tuned for the launch of the Agoric Orchestration API, and be part of a movement that transforms how we interact with blockchains, decentralized finance, and digital assets.

Ready to start building? Apply to our Early Access Program for white-glove technical support and financial incentives!